Friday, September 30, 2016

9 Questions About Myself

not the best pict, but it's recent
I hadn't slept the night before so I had
been up for 2 days.  I look tired and was.

I enjoy reading these types of questions but I rarely respond to them.   I’m not sure why.   So I googled up a few questionnaires and selected a variety of questions of several to create my own.  

If you're reading this, I would really enjoy if you would copy and paste the questions and answer them yourself.   I will make it easy, and at the very end I will have a list of just the questions to make it easy to copy and paste.  

If you have a story that goes with the questions, please feel free to write about it.  That just makes it more interesting and more personal as well.   If you would rather not answer a question, feel free to leave it out.

If you want to add one of your own add that as well.   I do plan on reading all the answers but if you have your own would you please make it in its own post.    That way it will be easy to spot by myself and others.  And if you’re a guest reading feel free to answer that one as well.   

Now onto random questions. . . . . . . . . .

1)  Do you untie your shoes before you take them off.
I actually prefer slip on shoes, just because it’s easier.   But also growing up in the tropics as a child/teen I was usually wearing some type of sandal or open shoe.    Especially when at guests houses for putting them back on.   The laces on my runners are just loose enough that I can slip them on and off with ease.

2) Do you still have your tonsils?
Nope I had them out when I was about 11~ish.   As usual my parents scheduled surgery not long before returning home from summer holiday in the states.   I had complications and they had to force my mouth open wider therefore post-surgery I could hardly open my mouth.   Least it wasn’t fun on the 3 day trek home, 12-hour long haul flight was a part of that hurting and could only eat soft foods and drink.   Nor did my parents order special meals on flights so I was out of luck most of the time.   It wasn’t till we were home in Indonesia awhile before I could even fit my pointer finger between my teeth.   That’s how far I could open my mouth.  (we lived as expats overseas for 10 years)

3) Can you drive a stick shift?
Actually I can.   I never drove overseas because we had a driver.   When we came back to the states on summer holiday we were always running here and there to visit friends, family or were on a real holiday to other countries or places.   So I never drove.  We returned to the states when I was 18, and my senior year of high school.  It never seemed odd to me that I never drove.  I either walked or I went with one of my parents (or another adult) that drove.   When my aunt found out she was furious with my parents (her sister) and immediately began my diving lessons in the country.   I went from living in a city of about 5 billion to a little town of 1,500 people.  My dad’s dream was to farm so he went from working for an oil company to farming.   I learned to drive a stick shift on a grain truck.   For my driver’s test I learned to parallel park between a combine and a grain truck.   I did have to parallel park for my driver’s test which I think was the last time I did that.     

4) Do you like watching horror movies?
Nope I hate them with a passion.   Always have, however my teen, daughter loves them.  OMG she’s going to be a teen for 4 more days and then she will be 20.   That makes me feel old!

            5) What did you dream about last night?
I saw this question and I knew I had to answer it.   Since changing meds my dreams have been really weird and vivid.   However, for the life of me I can’t remember.   Plus my almost 16 year old son came in my room last night to ask if he could have a drink of my tea.   I keep a bottle of tea by my bedside.   Normally I am awake when he gets off work and last night I was tired so I crashed early.   It must have been some weird dream because I pointed at the wall behind my headboard and said “Drought Fairy”.   Repeating that a couple of times and went back to sleep.   I normally wake up when my kids or hubby wakes me, so last night was very strange.   It must have been a good dream…… I can’t imagine why though.

            6) What was the last thing you ate?
I was going to say a salad with grilled chicken, but then I remembered it wasn’t.   When my son got off work (about 10:30 pm) he brought home 2 cinnamon rolls, one for the each of us to share.   We watched an episode of Family Guy on Netflix and laughed…. And enjoyed our warmed cinnamon roll.   Love those moments with my kids.

7) What’s the worst TV commercial that you remember?
It was November of 2011 and I had been stuck in the hospital for pretty much all of October and pretty much all of November as well.   I will never forget that commercial for Kohl’s black Friday song.  Friday… Friday… Ugggg I was sick as a dog and then some.   Recovering from major surgery the very beginning of October.  I was home for less than a week the beginning of November, when my local hospital admitted me letting my doctor at the Mayo Clinic call the shots.  Then when he didn’t like the lab reports he told me local doctor to call life flight and send me back.   I was so sick of that commercial, I wasn’t feeling well to start with, required a few mini surgeries under general and for some reason that song drove me bonkers.   We ditched satellite and cable years ago only using Amazon, Netflix and Hulu at home so I wasn’t use to all the commercials either.  

8) What’s Your Favorite Quote?
I have no idea if she really said this or not, but I saw it on a meme.  But it seems fitting that Diana, The People’s Princess would most certainly do if she could.   It’s one thing I believe in, and teach my kids to do.     “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectations of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”    I like to leave large tips when I eat out if I can afford it.   When I am shopping and the clerk hands me my receipt, I like to hand him or her a cash tip of their own.  Telling them it’s a holiday tip and to have a wonderful day with a big smile and dash out the door with my purchase.  Sometimes it’s just a $5 or $10 other times it’s more.  When I stay at a hotel I also leave a tip on the nightstand with a handwritten note letting them know it’s a tip and thank them for their hard work.   We’re not wealthy, but I would rather give directly to someone working hard and know where it’s going, than to a charity.   Most charities the money goes to admin fees or pay the high wages of those running the organization and very little actually goes to the cause.   Think about it, and maybe choose to do random acts of kindness instead or give directly to someone working hard.   There are so many options of giving locally and directly instead.

            9) An embarrassing moment?
 The first thing that jumps to my mind is when I was about 10 or so.   We were on a return flight to the states for our yearly summer holiday.   We lived as expats overseas in Indonesia.  I felt rather grown up flying and tried to look nice, so this particular time and last time I ever wore a skirt flying, or flying into this particular airport.   We left Jakarta, and departed Singapore on our way to Tokyo Japan.   Back in the 1980’s Narita International Airport didn’t have many gates with a jet bridge to walk directly on and off the plane.   It had 1 gate that I remember that handled it’s flights where you had to walk down to the ground and out to a bus.  Then be bussed out to your plane.  Or if you just landed, a bus would return you back to where you needed to go.   Well we landed in Tokyo and as usual we were bussed back to the building and had a flight of steps to walk down to get down to the ground and get on the bus.   Just as I stepped on the ground from the steps a gust of wind came up and took my skirt up much higher than appropriate.   I doubt anyone noticed or if they did they didn’t show it.   Always listen to your mothers when they tell you to wear a slip as well.   There is a very good reason for slips, they protect your dignity when the wind blows your skirt up!

I’ll answer another round of 9 questions on another day.
I hope you take the time to reply with your own answers.

1)  Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
2) Do you still have your tonsils?
3) Can you drive a stick shift?
4) Do you like watching horror movies?
5) What did you dream about last night?
6) What was the last thing you ate?
7) What’s the worst TV commercial that you remember?
8) What’s Your Favorite Quote?
9) An embarrassing moment?

Thursday, September 29, 2016

ELF Cosmetics Coupon Code BEAUTYBLING ~ expired 10-03-2016

click picture to enlarge

FREE Mystery Bag 
Full Of Must Haves 
On Orders $10+
It Has A $15 Value


Offer valid until 11:59 PM PT 10/3/2016

Plus Free Shipping On Orders Including 2 Or More Skin Care Items

*^* Offer Details *^*

Add product to cart, creating a minimum bag value of $10. Enter coupon code BEAUTYBLING at checkout to get a FREE Mystery Bag valued at $15. Limit one per order at promo price. Limit one time use. Offer is not combinable with other promo codes. Offer valid while supplies last. Any out of stock item may be substituted for item of equal value.

Offer valid until 11:59 PM PT 10/3/2016.

We offer free standard shipping (a $4.95 value) on all orders $25 and up after discount, no coupon code required. 

I haven't decided if I'm going to place an order or not, although I do have items in my cart.......

UPDATED With Order, and I will add in the mystery free items once my package arrives.
I can't wait to see what they include this time !!!!
ELF ~:~ Ordered.. October 1, 2016

Mystery Bag
Code: BeautyBling

Item #

Product & Color


Makeup Lock & Seal

Color Correcting Stick
Purple ~ Deep Skin Tones


Cover Everything Concealer
Corrective Yellow

$2.00 x 2

Cream Contour Palette


Color Correcting Stick
Peach ~ Light Skin Tones


Color Correcting Stick
Green ~ Correct The Red



Free Total = $

ELF Cosmetics
Mystery Bag
Code: BeautyBling

Ooops Things Happen In The Mail

Sometimes Things Get Damaged In The Mail.   BUT ELF is taking care of it and sending a replacement out to me right away for the damaged palette.  I will update when it arrives.

But for now, for those of you who are wondering about the #71818 Spotlight Ready Palette made by ELF Cosmetics.

Here are some pictures...... Including the damaged ones, but I think you can get the idea of the colors through the damage.

I did order the #85057 50 Pc Makeup Artist Palette mid August 2016 which is similar.

When I was ordering I could see similarities but I also saw differences.  But I was hoping that the blushes and bronzers were different because the photo on the ELF website was hard to see if they were or not by the type of photo they posted.  You can read about that below, where the picture is posted.   So when it arrived, well after I sent them an email to notify them it had been shattered I compared them.

So here are the pictures.

The Spotlight Ready Palette always remains in the upper portion of the picture while the Makeup Artists Palette remains at the bottom.   But with so many colors I flipped the bottom, Artists Palette so you could compare them two ways.   I put an arrow by the same color in the upper and lower picture so you can see how the palette was flipped.    It makes it easier for me anyways to see the two pictures when comparing so many colors.  There are a few that are the same, but many that are different enough to notice and some different colors all together.

click image to enlarge 

As you can see in the photo above the arrow is by the brown color on the left side.   With the palette flipped in the lower pictures the arrow is now on the left side.   While the upper palette, which is the new Spotlight Ready stays the same.

 click image to enlarge

Now onto the broken portion, the second layer of the palette.

I did lightly swatch a few colors on my fingertips.   But I'm not going to use the shattered one, but I'm going to try to repair the two shattered colors, one blush and one bronzer/contour and give the palette to my daughters tween friend that has pretty dark skin.   I think she will love it anyways.  Plus I don't think the two colors shattered will be a big deal to her as I don't think she will use them.   But I do want to try to repair them anyways so if she and another friend are doing their makeup she can use them with a friend.   I don't think my own daughter will care or not if she gets the broken palette or not as she enjoys makeup, has her own stuff but she isn't into it like her friend is.   Plus my daughter knows that she can, like her older sister rummage through my makeup drawers and use what they want at anytime.   They just have to return what they take.  LOL I'm working on that one with my oldest daughter...... Do any of you relate to that?   Not just with makeup but anything, guys.... tools....?   My teen son has his own tools for the same reason.

Of the 10 colors there is only one that is different.   Oooops, the palette in the upper portion is the Makeup Artists Palette, while the lower palette is the Spotlight Ready.  As you can tell because two colors are smashed!

Between the 20 colors seen below they are all the same color or close enough to be called the same.   Such as a color difference just from being made in different lots can account for that.   I did lightly swatch a few colors just onto my fingertips to compare.

The only two that are different are the two marked in the upper left corner of each palette.

On the older Makeup Artist Palette that upper corner color is a pale pink color.  I think I would still call it a highlighter, but it's one with a very distinct pink tone to it.  As shimmery (not glittery) as it is, I wouldn't use it as a blush.  

The Spotlight Ready has a typical white highlighter that has a nice shimmer and you don't need much to get the color payoff.   It's a very nice change to the Shimmering Facial Whip and the All Over Cover Stick, both in spotlight.

click image to enlarge 

I do have all the Facial Whips (except pink lemonade) as well as all the All Over Cover Sticks and they are quite lovely to use.  I do hope ELF takes that white highlighter and packages it similarly to their blushes as a single.  But the pink highlighter I think is a spinoff off one of the shades from their liquid and stick versions.  So I guess since they have the liquid and stick version of highlighters it would be nice for them to produce them all in powder formula as well.  I know like many others, I would buy all of them.

Now time to admit....... I do love the Makeup Artist Palette, and I reach for it quite often.   I've used many of the colors and find them quite lovely.  Even though from the picture it's hard to tell that I use it often.   But the lower section with the blushes and bronzers...... I've only swatched a few of the colors.  I have no idea why, the colors are lovely, and I've been on the search for a very light bronzer. So many are so dark and with fair skin I seem to have a heavy hand with bronzers and it looks stupid. So I am working on using a lighter hand and better placement.  I think I don't use it is because I don't see it.  Even though it's only a matter of flipping the two palettes from top to bottom.   But the colors really are nice, so I'm going to make it a point to start using it more.   I don't travel a whole lot anymore, but when I do it will really be nice to grab the one palette (either one) and have my eyeshadows, blush, bronzer, contour as well as highlighter.   Some eyeshadows from ELF aren't very good, with little payout and not pigmented.   But I haven't found that to be the case with the Makeup Artist Palette.   When i get the new palette then I can start playing around and be able to give a review on it, that I will blog about and post here as well as on the ELF website.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

EXPIRED ELF Cosmetics Coupon Code PEACHY ~ expired 9-26-2016

EDITED ~:~  My order arrived today, and it contained the freebies exactly as shown as above.  Yay!!!  ~:~   I added to the bottom of this page the items that I ordered and paid for with this particular order.    The Spotlight Ready Palette arrived damaged and ELF already responded to my email, and they are sending a new one.   You can find that blog post here.

Peachy Keen
Get Peachy Keen Glow With This
FREE 4 Piece Gift Set
It Has A $15 Value

Offer Valid Until 11:59 PM PT 9/26/2016

FREE Fall Peach Bundle On Orders $10 or more!


Plus Free Shipping On Orders Including 2 Or More Skin Care Items

*^* Offer Details *^*

Add product to cart, creating a minimum bag value of $10. Enter coupon code PEACHY at checkout to get bundle of products with a combined value of $15. Limit one per order at promo price. Limit one time use. Offer is not combinable with other promo codes. Offer valid while supplies last. Items may be substituted for item of equal value. Offer valid until 11:59 PM PT 9/26/2016.

For a limited time we offer free standard shipping with the purchase of 2 or more skin care items (a $4.95 value). Add at least 2 Skin Care products to your cart to automatically receive this offer. Offer may end at any time.(no coupon code needed).

We offer free standard shipping (a $4.95 value) on all orders $25 and up after discount, no coupon code required. 

Free or discounted shipping offers are based on $4.95 Standard shipping cost.

I will be placing an order soon for things I want but were out of stocks before and a few other items.  So I will be able to update with what was received with the coupon code for this week.

ELF Cosmetics ~:~ Ordered.. 9 ~ 21 ~ 2016

Fall Peach Giveaway
Code: Peachy

Item #

Product & Color

Color Correcting Stick
Corrects Dark Circles
Light Skin Tones

Color Correcting Stick
Correct The Red

Matte Blush Duo
Soft & Subtle

Highlighting Brush

Glitter Primer

Spotlight Ready Kit
50 Pc Eyeshadow
(With Blush & Bronzer)

Smudge Brush

Eye Crease Brush

Eye Shadow Brush

Crease Brush

Angled Eyeliner Brush



Beautifully Bare Blush
Peach Perfection

Beautifully Bare Stipple Brush

Baked Eyeshadow Trio
Peach Please

Moisturizing Lipstick
Coral Cutie


Free Total = $15.00

ELF Cosmetics